S.M.Sadegh Vaezi

Research Scientist


E-mail1: sadegh.vaezi@piais.ir

E-mail2: sadegh.vaezi@gmail.com 

Cell: +98-(917) 180-8782


Washington University in Saint Louis                                                                                 2012-2018

       –PhD, Physics, Condensed Matter Theory Division

              -Advisor :Prof. Zohar Nussinov

              -Thesis:Dualities, Topological Properties, and Degeneracies of Classical and Quantum Lattice Models

 Sharif University of Technology                                                                                         2011-2012

        –M.Sc., Physics

            -Advisor :Prof. Seyed Akbar Jafari

 Sharif University of Technology                                                                                         2007-2011

       –B.Sc., Physics

            -Advisor :Prof. Abdollah Langari


–Awarded a one year grant from Iran’s National Elites Foundation, 2018-2019.

–University Fellowship, Washington University in St.Louis, 2017- 2018.

–University Fellowship, Washington University in St.Louis, Spring 2014.

–Summer Hughes Fellowship, Washington University in St.Louis, Summer 2013.

–University Fellowship, Washington University in St.Louis, Fall 2012.

–Exempt from the M.Sc. entrance exam as a top student, Spring 2011.

–Ranked 87th in Math-Physics university entrance exam for undergraduate studies among 50,000+ contestants, Summer 2007.


       1. S. Sayyad, E. W. Huang, M. Kitatani, M.-S. Vaezi, Z. Nussinov, A. Vaezi, H. Aoki, Pairing and non-Fermi liquid behavior in partially flat-band systems, arXiv:1903.09888 (2019).

  1. E. W. Huang, M.-S. Vaezi, Z. Nussinov, A. Vaezi, Enhanced correlations and superconduc- tivity in weakly interacting partially flat band systems: a determinantal quantum Monte Carlo study, Phys. Rev. B 99, 235128 (2019)
  2. M.-S. Vaezi, and A. Vaezi, A unified theory of variational and quantum Monte Carlo methods and beyond, arXiv:1810.00864 (2018).
  3. M.-S. Vaezi, G. Ortiz, M. Weigel, Z. Nussinov, The Binomial Spin Glass, Phys. Rev. Lett, 121, 080601 (2018)
  4. M.-S. Vaezi, and A. Vaezi, Numerical Observation of Parafermion Zero Modes and their Stability in 2D Topological States, arXiv:1706.01192 (2017).
  5. M.-S. Vaezi, and A. Vaezi, Entanglement distance between quantum states and its impli- cations for DMRG study of degenerate ground-states, Phys. Rev. B 96, 165129 (2017).
  6. M.-S. Vaezi, G. Ortiz, Z. Nussinov, Robust topological degeneracy of classical theories, Phys. Rev. B 93, 205112 (2016).
  7. Z. Nussinov, G. Ortiz, M.-S. Vaezi, Why are all dualities conformal? Theory and practical consequences, NPB 892, 132 (2015)
  8. M. Mardani, M.-S. Vaezi, A. Vaezi, Slave spin approach to the strongly correlated systems, arXiv:1111.5980 (Nov. 2011)

Technical Competencies 

–Computational Skills:

-Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC)

-Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG)

-Exact Diagonalization

-Machine Learning






–General Skills:

-Proficiency in using Ubuntu, macOS and Windows operating systems

-Proficiency in using Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)

-Worked with AutoCAD, 3D studio max and Photoshop

Teaching Experiences

  1. Teaching assistant (TA) of the “Introphysics lab” courses, Fall 2017, Spring 2015, Fall 2014, Spring and Fall 2013.
  2. TA of the “Solid state physics” and “from Black holes to the Big Bang” courses, Spring 2017.
  3. TA of the “Electromagnetism II” course, Spring 2011.

Selected Presentations

        - Local Temperature Ansatz, APS March Meeting 2018, Los Angeles, California, USA

       -  Entanglement distance between quantum states and its implications for DMRG study of degenerate ground-states, APS March Meeting 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

        -  Robust topological degeneracy of classical theories, APS March Meeting 2016, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

        Why are all dualities conformal? Theory and practical consequences,  APS March Meeting 2015, San Antonio, Texas, USA



-Farsi (Native)

-English (Fluent)

-Arabic (intermediate)


  1. Professor Zohar Nussinov, Associate Professor

            Department of Physics, Washington University in St.Louis Compton, Room 353

            Phone:  +1 (314) 935-6272         E-mail: zohar@wuphys.wustl.edu

  1. Professor Gerardo Ortiz, Professor

 Department of Physics, Indiana University Bloomington,

Phone:  +1 (812) 855-0367           E-mail: ortizg@indiana.edu

  1. John W. Clark,

Wayman Crow Professor of Physics Emeritus

Department of Physics, Washington University in St.Louis Compton, Room 351

Phone:  +1 (314) 935-6208         E-mail: jwc@wuphys.wustl.edu