a novel fabrication method for IR-sensitive films based on 3D printing and thermal drawing
There has been alot of researches and prototypes about structural coloration and it's applications in IR sensing, but most of them requires sophisticated instruments and methods in order to fabricate a functional unit, this makes the industrialization of the concept unachievable due to expensive methods and production time. in this research a novel method has been presented based on FDM 3D printing and traditional Fiber Drawing methods, which is quite promising in accuracy, repeatability and overall cost, also due to it's production rate it can be a potential candidate for industrialization of IR-sensitive films.
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2020, January, 20
Cosmic Bell Test Using Measure...
In 1964 John Stewart Bell presented an inequality that was able to test the validity of quantum mechanics against local realist models. The inequality states that any theory that satisfies...
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2020, January, 07
Monitoring the Formation of Am...
The formation of oligomeric soluble aggregates is related to the toxicity of amyloid peptides and proteins. In this manuscript, we report the use of a ruthenium polypyridyl complex ([Ru(bpy)2(dpqp)]2+) to...
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2020, January, 07
Opportunities and Challenges f...
Due to the importance of chemistry in different industries, protecting the environment, preventing the destruction of natural resources, and creating a healthy and natural life have emerged as important components...
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