Sub-GHz Resonant Magnetoelastic Coupling in Epitaxial Fe Thin Films
The resonant interaction of surface acoustic waves and spin waves is a potential new tool to handle information. However, the natural precession frequencies of most ferromagnetic materials lie in the 10 GHz range, i.e. far above present common technology for surface acoustic waves. This feature restricts the range of materials of interest. To expand this range, we present here measurements of the acoustic attenuation and velocity, at room temperature, in epitaxial Fe on GaAs(001). Resonant coupling is observed in the sub-GHz regime by proper selection of the orientation and intensity of the applied magnetic field. With a very simple magnetization dynamics model that takes into account the softening of the magnetic precession modes, we are able to describe the observed salient features.
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2020, January, 20
Cosmic Bell Test Using Measure...
In 1964 John Stewart Bell presented an inequality that was able to test the validity of quantum mechanics against local realist models. The inequality states that any theory that satisfies...
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2020, January, 07
Monitoring the Formation of Am...
The formation of oligomeric soluble aggregates is related to the toxicity of amyloid peptides and proteins. In this manuscript, we report the use of a ruthenium polypyridyl complex ([Ru(bpy)2(dpqp)]2+) to...
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2020, January, 07
Opportunities and Challenges f...
Due to the importance of chemistry in different industries, protecting the environment, preventing the destruction of natural resources, and creating a healthy and natural life have emerged as important components...
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