Soft Lithographic Patterning of Luminescent Carbon Nanodots Derived from Collagen Waste
Luminescent carbon dots (Cdots) synthesized using inexpensive precursors have inspired tremendous research interest because of their superior properties and applicability in various fields. In this talk, a simple, economical, green route for the synthesis of multifunctional fluorescent Cdots will be presented. The Cdots are prepared from a natural, low-cost source: collagen extracted from animal skin wastes. The as-synthesized metal-free Cdots were found to be in the size range of ∼1.2–9 nm, emitting bright blue photoluminescence with a calculated Cdot yield of ∼63%. Importantly, the used soft-lithographic method was inexpensive and yielded a variety of Cdot patterns with different geometrical structures and significant cellular biocompatibility. This novel approach to Cdot production highlights innovative ways of transforming industrial biowastes into advanced multifunctional materials which offer exciting potential for applications in nanophotonics and nanobiotechnology using a simple and scalable technique.
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2020, January, 20
Cosmic Bell Test Using Measure...
In 1964 John Stewart Bell presented an inequality that was able to test the validity of quantum mechanics against local realist models. The inequality states that any theory that satisfies...
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2020, January, 07
Monitoring the Formation of Am...
The formation of oligomeric soluble aggregates is related to the toxicity of amyloid peptides and proteins. In this manuscript, we report the use of a ruthenium polypyridyl complex ([Ru(bpy)2(dpqp)]2+) to...
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2020, January, 07
Opportunities and Challenges f...
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